Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Save Fuel / Gasoline.

It is inevitable that the price of petrol are rising high and low. We can never predict what will happen to the price in the next few months. Instead of petrols burning in combustion chamber, they are actually burning consumer's pockets. Not a tiny hole, but a hole that is large enough to fit a whole Conquest Knight XV. What are the common feedbacks when you mention about their car is oil guzzer and a waste of petrol? The common answer from them is always "No. It all depends on your right leg." Fair enough, this answer is indeed true. While starting from 0 mph, slowly accelerate and keep your rpm low will helps. Practicing feather-footing on your pedal will eventually surprise you with how many more miles can you achieve compare with your previous record. Belows are a few more tips on how to save fuel from your miles.

1. Slow down and don't accelerate too often unless needed.
This is explained as above. Fuel economy decreases as speed increases.

2.Tyre Pressure.
Only check your tyre pressure when they are cold (meaning they have not been driven for today), as warmed up tyres will have warm air inside, which will increase the pressure and provides false reading. Lesser air in your tyres will make your car burn more gas to keep your car moving. Take an example of your bicycle. Lessen the air in the bicycle tyre and try ride it. I guess it will burn more calories in order to move a few feet than a tyre with optimum air pressure. This scenario is just the same as your car. Read your car manual or look for the dataplate in the driver's door jamb as to know your tyre's optimum pressure. Pump only the optimum level of pressure as overdoing it will also do damage to your tyre.

3.Types of air in your tyre
Using nitrogen in your tyre instead of normal air will increase fuel economy. After running 70 tractors and 117 trailers in longhaul operations, the Drexan Corp. found the nitrogen system improved fuel efficiency by 3.1% compared to a tire pressure maintenance program using air and 6.1% compared to no tire pressure maintenance program. Read more from here.

4.Checking Air filter Under Your Hood
Air filters functions by filtering dust from entering the engine. Just like vacum cleaner, air filters too can get dirty, thus reducing air flow into the engine. Imperfect air flow engine will result in deteriorate performance and economy as there will be incomplete combustion in the piston. Energy from petrol are wasted, and thus require more petrol to move your vehicle. A simple test on your air filter can be done by removing the filter, then hold it up to the sun. If there aren't any light coming through from the filter, then you will have to visit a work shop or accessories shop to get one.

5.Ride behind a truck or a larger vehicle.
Imagine pushing yourself against the direction of a wind. You will need hell of a energy to overcome that force. This applies same to your vehicle. A large truck or vehicle will help your vehicle do the job while your vehicle ride as if there are no wind coming against your direction.

6.Smell the nature
Wind down your window, turn off your A/C, and ride with the smell of nature. This method applies only when your vehicle is running in a slow pace. Moving too fast will not be efficient due to resistance from opened windows. This technique can't be done in the city as you will inhale toxic gases which does more damage to your lungs than fuel cost've done to your pocket.

7.Choose the right wheel
It is obvious that heavy, wide rims will improve handling. But you will need to sacrifice your fuel cost. There are also selection of light weight rims that will help in lessen your vehicle weight. Examples of light weight rims can be viewed here.

8.Dump the dirts
Take out unnecessary items from the car. It may help lessen the weight of your car. The lighter your car, the lesser fuel is needed to burn in order to move your vehicle.

9.Eliminate Oil Guzzer Vehicle from your cart
This is only applicable to those who wish to change to a new ride. Run a deep research on your need for a car, eg. the need for a large boot. Smaller cars are usually fuel efficient due to their weight. New modern small cars today are well designed with decent comfort and holds a 4-5 stars in NCAP crash test. Diesel cars are also able to provide better mileage and using cheaper bio-diesel in a diesel car also makes your car a 'green' car. Electric cars or hybrid cars makes excellent choice in fuel economy too.

10.Plan your trips well.
You can choose not to drive during rush hour as it burns more fuel when you are stuck in the jam.

11.Use alternative transports
If there is no necessary to drive, don't drive. A brisk walk is good for your heart afterall. There are also bicycle, rollerblades, skate boards which have 0 emission. Mother earth will love you for doing the environment a wonderful favour.

12.Manual or Auto Transmission
It is long proven that manual cars saves more fuel than auto transmission cars. But today, there are new technologies such as CVT transmission which also helps in fuel economy, most of them even beat manual transmission in fuel efficiency.

13.Get the right fuel
Research through forums to find the best fuel that provides good mileage. All oils comes from the same source. Only additional additives added from the oil company that differs their performance from other companies.

14.Thank god it is Wednesday
Statistically, on average, fuel price are lower on Wednesday. And buy fuel 3 days before holiday starts. The price usually increase during holidays.

15.Spa your engine
Scheduled service, and proper maintenance will increase your car performance and running optimally. This is because the interior engine is clean and doesn't have unnecessary tractions due to dirts in the engine oil. Synthetic oil is always better than mineral oil when it comes to engine oil that needs more mileage in their history record.

16.Reduce fuel evaporation.
Fuel evaporates. Yes. And it evaporates out from your tank. Reduce it by getting a bright coloured car. Science proven that dark colors usually stores heat and this makes your fuel evaporates faster. Also, park your car in a shaded area to keep your car cool. Tinting your car might help too.

17.Avoid hard braking unless needed
Braking itself is already a waste of energy. What is more when you are braking it hard more often. Try brake smoothly, and of course use hard braking only when you are in an emergency situation. This will indeed save your fuel cost and brakepads as well.

Some of the method above is not 100% proven workable. Select and try the method above at your own risk. This blog/blogger shall hold no responsible of any mishap, injuries or financial losses happened due to the method above.